Elsie, Bill and I met Kyle at the National Naval Medical Center (NNMC) on Tuesday evening, around 5pm. We were escorted by Captain Brion Stroud of the 41st Rescue Squadron from Moody AFB. One of Kyle's classmates from VMI, Nate Parsons, also joined us. Kyle flew into Andrews AFB from Germany and there he was met by a good friend and classmate from Fort Rucker, Captain Kurt S. We all gathered in the ICU together that Tuesday evening and felt our first moment of comfort having Kyle home.
Kyle's sisters, Sarah and Kathryn, arrived the next afternoon, after Kyle under went his first surgery in the United States. That first day was difficult, as was that entire first week. The hospital was all new to us, so were all of the staff and people. It was all so scary and touch and go for a while. We clung to every word the doctors and nurses said and tried to read their faces for more information. Meanwhile, always trying to help Kyle learn to manage his pain properly and be comfortable.
I had left my camera at home this first trip, I just couldn't bring myself to really do any photography without knowing Kyle was safe and stable yet. As the week progressed, he proved to be more stable and Kathryn had her camera. She has given me permission to use her photographs here and these are from Sunday, June 27 - about one week after Kyle was shot.
Kyle in his hospital bed looking out the window, with his legs covered in ace wraps and the right leg with an ex-fix on it to hold the bones together.
Kyle's right leg came home like this - the ex-fix holds the bones in place, which were fractured, and his wounds were packed and covered in ace wraps.
A closer shot of the ex-fix with the screws going into Kyle's leg.
This is where the doctors in Afghanistan removed a vein from Kyle's left leg and placed it in his artery in his right leg to save it initially and keep the blood flow to his right foot - he had 26 staples to close it up.
Kyle had tubes from his wounds draining excess liquid and blood into a machine to help prevent infection.
Kyle and his sisters, Sarah on the left, and Kathryn on the right.
Me and Kyle together in the hospital.
hi - I found your blog through Tish Friend (Tim's mom) - she sent me the link and I think you guys might get a kick out of checking out my son's blog. My son was born with one leg substantially shorter then his other bone... he had a fixator on his leg from last october until just this past July... Obviously you guys have lots of emotionally healing to do, but hopefully this will give you some hope on the physical side. We see Dr. Paley down in West Palm - he's known around the world for correcting limb deficiencies.
best of luck on your road to recovery.