Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Therapy at Home

Kyle goes to therapy three times a week and does therapy at home on most of the other days.  He's working hard to regain mobility in his right leg and foot.  He has made a lot of progress in the last few weeks and has begun walking with just one crutch!  He is determined to walk again, and soon.  And he is ready to get rid of his wheel chair too.

Kyle works with his mom, Elsie, to stretch his right leg and work at moving his foot up and down while she applies pressure on his foot in his bedroom at home.  

Elsie applies pressure to create resistance for Kyle to push against and exercise his foot.  

Kyle counts his exercises while laying in bed.  

Kyle works through the exercises while laying in bed; it's not too painful for him but does require a fair amount of physical and mental effort. 

Kyle tries to grasp a towel with his toes; an exercise he does at physical therapy which can be frustrating but is helping him improve the mobility in his foot.  

Kyle practices walking down the hallway on both feet with his walker upstairs in his parents home. 


Walking down the hallway with just a little pressure on the right foot.

A short walk with some pressure on the right foot with the walker has helped Kyle tremendously and now he can really get around on his crutches.  


An update on the skin graft site on his upper right quad. 


Kyle lays in bed doing a few more exercises with his right leg before finishing his home therapy for that day.  

Kyle stands in front of his parents house on his crutches.  He is walking around much more like this every day.   Photo by Elsie Deem. 

1 comment:

  1. God is Great! We are witnessing first hand his healing powers!

    Aunt Terri
