Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Moving Around on Two Feet

Kyle has made significant progress over the last few weeks and is really getting around so much better using both of his legs.  Over Labor Day Weekend he was just starting to walk a few strides at home, and more at therapy, without his crutches or a cane.  He relies mostly on his crutches still to get around, but it's wonderful to see him standing upright every day.  This has also helped Kyle get out of the house more and have some time to visit with friends and family beyond the boundaries of Hillview Drive.  Although he's always ready to get back home and enjoy some home cooking and time with his parents. 

Kyle walking through the front yard on his crutches.  

Taking some steps without using crutches!

Standing up in the kitchen, using a cane, and getting his own water and everything.  

The inside of Kyle's right leg, the "problem area", that is visibly getting smaller and healing with some ointment treatment the plastic surgeons gave Kyle in August.  He will return to Bethesda on Sept. 22 to meet with them again and have his grafts examined.  

Looking down Kyle's leg where some of the drills enter his skin.  

Kyle applies other ointment to the outside graft on his right leg which really looks to be healing very well.  

Out visiting with some friends on his neighbor's property, Tree's Hill.  

Enjoying the fire on Tree's Hill before heading home to rest for the evening.  It was a beautiful night and nice for Kyle to spend some time with some of his close friends. 


  1. Hello from the quilter in Hopewell :-) Although we've never met, know you've now got two more prayer warriors cheering Kyle on in myself and my mother in Latrobe.

    This blog is a wonderful testament to Kyle and his family and friends. Great job, Kristen. Keep on healing, Kyle! God bless you all.

  2. Great progress! Study up, dude. I know we'll have you back in the starting line up as soon as you're healthy and ready to go.
    -Pigpen (41 RQS/DO)

  3. Kyle,
    You are making wonderful progress. We received your letter at Detachment 880. Keep up the training and recovery!
    Col Amato
    AFROTC Det 880 @ VMI!
